Alive Telecom Provides Engineered Solutions for In-Building Needs.
In-building DAS provides an alternative to weakly covered areas, safely distributing coverage and capacity where you need it most.
As everyone migrates to mobile high speed data networks such as LTE the need for quality continuous connectivity increases. We offer in-building communications systems for small to large office structures, residential and mixed use buildings. Alive Telecom provides single or multi carrier neutral host sites. We also provide coverage for all public safety requirements. Alive Telecom has worked with all carriers and all equipment suppliers. Our systems can alleviate dead zones and reduce the number of dropped calls increasing work productivity, adding a service to the tenants and increasing the public safety when emergencies require a clear signal. Alive Telecom has over 10 years of successful experience designing and implementing DAS systems for Convention Centers, Transportation Hubs, Subways, Sports Venues, Hospitals and High-Rise Structures.